Top 8 New Tech Inventions

1.Tapplock: The World’s First Smart Fingerprint Padlock
A pair of cutting-edge smart fingerprint padlocks that open with your unique fingerprint. Never worry about losing your keys, forgetting your combination code or getting your locks picked again.

2. Cowarobot- The first suitcase that follows you

COWAROBOT R1 is the world’s first carry-on size robotics suitcase that stays with you at all times. With high tech features like autonomous travel and obstacle avoidance, the R1 frees your hands and makes traveling more enjoyable.

3. Holus – The Interactive Tabletop Holographic Display

Holus provides a blend between the digital and real world by converting any digital content into a 3D holographic experience.Holus is a tabletop holographic platform that converts any digital content from a computer, tablet or smartphone into a 3D holographic experience. To put it simply, whether it is a board game, DNA structure or the solar system, your content comes alive – view it from four different angles and interact with it in ways that have never been possible.

4. iSCOUT-  Head-Up Display(HUD) | Making Driving Smarter & Safer
iSCOUT is a patent pending Head-Up Display (HUD) that projects all the information required for driving such as car speed, fuel level, GPS navigation as a floating virtual image in front of the vehicle. iSCOUT syncs to your smartphone and displays incoming calls, messages, reminders, social media content and other notifications along with several other features such as blind-spot view and an integrated dashcam.

5.i-dime – The First Magnetic, Dime-Sized iPhone Storage Expansion
With i.dime, you can add up to 256GB of additional space to the iPhone. More real estate allows you to capture more moments, unleash your creativity and keep memories that you shared with your loved ones. Sharing contents to other devices is just a snap away. Whether it is a birthday video of your kid or 200 photos you took with your friends at a party last night, simply snap off the i.dime and place it on the USB holder provided. Then use it as a thumbdrive and plug it in to your computer

6.HUB: The first Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi hub for headphones and Speakers
Introducing HUB by ekko, the first Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi audio hub for headphones and speakers. It lets you instantly share wireless audio with multiple simultaneous listeners using any earbuds, headphones or powered speakers. This is the wireless sound experience you’ve been waiting for.

7.Ulo – cute surveillance camera
Ulo is a cute surveillance camera, a pet owl interacting with you through eye expressions.

8.father.io: Massive Multiplayer Laser Tag
Father.IO is the world’s first real-life, massive multiplayer, first person shooter. Experience the adrenaline, tactics and strategies of gaming in your everyday life. Combining real time geo-localized strategy & first person shooter battles, Father.IO brings a virtual world into your backyard.
